The Role of Ishikawa Quality Control Tools in Scientific Research: A Review
Ishikawa, Quality Control (QC) tools, VOSviewer, Company SectorsAbstract
Dr. Ishikawa stated that 95% of problems in the process can be solved using 7 quality control tools. This study aims to review the role of Ishikawa quality control tools in scientific research. A study was conducted on articles from Sciencedirect in 2023 using VOSviewer and article content. Most keywords that appear in VOSviewer are related to Industry 4.0 technology. Quality Control (QC) tools are applied to various types of research methods and company sectors, where a study uses 1-5 QC tools in a study. Most articles use experimental methods, and most studies fall within the trading sector. The most frequently used QC tools are histograms, flow charts and scatter diagrams. There has been no research that uses check sheets and cause and effect diagrams, research in the financial sector or research that combines experimental methods and case studies. The results of the study indicate that QC tools function as supporters in an article of scientific research, not as variables (main keywords) in an article of scientific research.
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