Actor Network Model in The Prevention of Village Financial Corruption
Prevention, Village Financial Corruption, Actor NetworkAbstract
Village financial management can be a new epicenter of corruption. The findings of Indonesia Corruption Wacth (ICW) in 2023 showed that corruption in the village government sector was the most common corruption case compared to corruption cases in other sectors. Although the ratio of corruption cases is small compared to the number of villages in Indonesia, it could be an iceberg phenomenon where uncovered corruption cases are actually much more. Government agencies or institutions that are mandated according to laws and regulations to carry out control and prevention efforts are not running optimally to close the space and loopholes of corruption, so it is necessary to involve actors outside the government through the participation of community groups that have less access. To maximize the leverage of community involvement in corruption prevention, it is not enough to be partially played by each actor or community group, but networking is needed as an effort to build strength and legitimacy. Through the actor networks theory (ANT) approach, community involvement can be identified to formulate the role of actor networks in preventing corruption. The writing of this article uses a descriptive qualitative approach by using literature studies from various relevant sources. Based on the results of the actor network study in preventing corruption in village financial management, it is divided into 2 (two) clusters, namely primary and secondary actors. Where the community becomes an actor with a primary cluster because it can minimize gaps and spaces for corruption through control and supervision of the performance of village government administrators.
Keywords : Prevention, Village Financial Corruption, Actor Network
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