The Influence Of E-Service Quality And Brand Trust On Intention To Re-Buy Malay Muslim Clothing Products E-Commerce Shopee


  • Raden Deden Mulyadin Universitas Widyatama
  • Deviyara Cristina Universitas Widyatama
  • Mariana Rachmawati


electronic service quality, brand trust, repurchase intention


The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of E-Service Quality, and Brand Trust on Repurchase Intentions for Malay Muslim Clothing Products in Shopee E-Commerce. This type of research is quantitative research. The research method used is descriptive and verification. The sampling method used by the authors in this study is the Non-Probability Sampling method. The sample used was 99 respondents. Data processing is done by multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing, and coefficient of determination. The results of the study showed that the simultaneous test results showed that the e-service quality variable (X1) and brand trust variable (X2) had a simultaneous effect on repurchase intention (Y). The results based on partial hypothesis testing show that e-service quality (X1) has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Y) and the Brand Trust variable (X2) has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Y). Meanwhile, based on the coefficient of determination test, it shows that E-Service Quality (X1) has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Y) of 52.56% and Brand Trust (X2) has a significant effect on repurchase intention (Y), which is 58.37%.



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How to Cite

Mulyadin, R. D., Cristina, D., & Rachmawati, M. (2025). The Influence Of E-Service Quality And Brand Trust On Intention To Re-Buy Malay Muslim Clothing Products E-Commerce Shopee. Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 508–518. Retrieved from

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