The influence of external environmental forces, company resources on competitive strategies and their impact on business performance in four-star hotel industry in bandung: case study at grand sunshine resort & convention)


  • Dewi Indah Lestari Universitas Widyatama
  • Resna Analta Universitas Widyatama
  • Mariana Rachmawati Universitas Widyatama


external environmental strength, company resources, competitive strategy, business performance


The service industry is one of the business sectors that has a competitive level of business competition. One of the service industries that faces high competition is hospitality. The condition of Resort & Convention Luxury 4 in Indonesia is currently increasingly developing and showing an increasingly competitive level of competitiveness. Industri Jasa Perhotelan Bintang 4 di Jawa Barat is a company engaged in Resort & Convention Luxury 4 class Hospitality Services. This research aims to determine the influence of external environmental forces, company resources and competitive strategies on the business performance of Resort & Convention Luxury 4 both partially or simultaneously. The research method used is the explanatory method. The sampling technique used the Slovin method so that the number of respondents was 99 hotel managers. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis. The research results show that the strength of the external environment, company resources and competitive strategy and business performance Industri Jasa Perhotelan Bintang 4 di Jawa Barat are in "fairly good" condition. Partially the external environmental strength variables, company resources and competitive strategy have a positive and significant influence on the performance of the Resort & Convention Luxury 4 hotel services business. Simultaneously, external environmental forces, company resources and competitive strategies influence hotel business performance. The proposed improvements to hotel management include several analysis and improvements to external environmental forces, company resources and competitive strategies


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How to Cite

Dewi Indah Lestari, Analta, R., & Rachmawati, M. (2025). The influence of external environmental forces, company resources on competitive strategies and their impact on business performance in four-star hotel industry in bandung: case study at grand sunshine resort & convention). Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 591–599. Retrieved from

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