The Influence of a Healthy Environment and Healthy Living Behavior on Health Status
Health status, health behaviour, Environment healthAbstract
Anessential asset in the nation development, human resource was influenced by level of education, nutrition and health, living environment and economic level. Demographic transition and disease epidemiology had made behaviour and lifestyle changes more complex. Thus, health environmental problem was caus ed by water sanitation, crowding, solid waste that were not comprehensively integrated in the system. Using Baseline Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007 and National Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) 2007 which had combined as data source, the analysis unit of this study was respondents aged above 15 years old. Logistic regression was used as a statistical analysis. Physical activity had a role to determine health status based on degenerative disease. People lived in unhealty environment were 1,1 times more likely to have bad status in health than those in good environment. Active smoker were 1,1 times more likely to have bad status in health than for those who did not smoke at all. As already known, smoking was the risk factor for respiratory diseases, heart disease, infertility, cancer, etc.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nafisa Aulia Ramadhani, Suciana Wijirahayu, Chika Noviana Kuswadi, Aqsha Muhammad Syafhaa, Navyola Lasveva, Rachelia Maulani

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