Policy Paper Policy Paper Enhancing Integrity and Efficiency: Transformation of Public Policy in the Implementation of National Health Insurance
National Health Insurance, Integrity, EfficiencyAbstract
National Health Insurance (JKN) is a major initiative of the Indonesian government to ensure that all citizens have access to decent health services. However, in practice, JKN is often hampered by maladministration issues, such as abuse of authority, non-transparent processes, and administrative inefficiencies. These issues have a negative impact on the quality of health services received by the community and reduce the level of public trust in the JKN program. Transforming public policy to improve integrity and efficiency in the implementation of JKN is a crucial step to ensure the achievement of program objectives. By strengthening supervision, adopting digital technology, providing appropriate training, and involving the community, it is hoped that JKN can provide fairer, more effective, and more transparent health services.
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