The Health Benefits of Consuming Fruits and Vegetables
Health, Benefit of Fruits and Vegetables, Consumption, AsdolenAbstract
fruits and vegetables. Because it is very important to meet the needs of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Without dietary fiber, bowel movements are not smooth. The main vitamins in vegetables and fruits that are difficult to replace by other foods are vitamin C, folic acid, and the carotene group (pigments that give red, orange, and yellow colors to fruits and vegetables), especially beta-carotene (a substance that functions as a provitamin A and antioxidant) which will work as an antioxidant. However, the level of fruit and vegetable consumption is still low, especially among adolescents, who are the age group with the lowest consumption, influenced by the development of fast food. Until now, adolescents' knowledge and attitudes about fruit and vegetable consumption are still lacking. It is recommended that there be health education and movements to increase adolescent awareness of the benefits of fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as an evaluation of their daily diet. Routine evaluation of adolescent eating habits is important to see the development and changes in their attitudes in consuming fruits and vegetables. With the right approach, it is hoped that a healthier diet can be formed from a young age, so that adolescents can have a better health foundation in the future
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