Utilizing Google Form For Collecting Research Data for The Eighth Semester at The English Department of The Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in Indonesia
data collection, questionnare, utilization of google formAbstract
In this regard, Geoggle can improve data quality, efficiency, and usability. In this regard, geoggle formulas can improve data quality, efficiency, and usability. A platform called Google Forms was created by Google to provide online form submission services. Google Forms has been used in a few studies as a tool to collect and organize data in many contexts, such as online surveys, data collection, and employee evaluations. The purpose of this study is to determine some of the effectiveness of Google Forms in gathering data when compared to other methods, such as surveys or kuesioner terbuka. In this study, Google Forms is used as a tool to collect effective and efficient data and to facilitate the collection of data that can be used for analysis and evaluation. According to this study, Google Formulir can be used as a tool for gathering and analyzing data in a variety of contexts, including public opinion and organizational activities. To increase efficiency and accuracy, data collection can be done online using Google Formulir and integrated with other information systems like Google Drive and Google Spreadsheet. Accordingly, Google Formulir is a very useful tool for gathering and organizing data, and it may be used in a variety of contexts to increase data accuracy and efficiency.
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