Willingness To Accept Farmers to Maintain the Sustainability of Agricultural Land in Sruweng District, Kebumen Regency
willingness to accept, Sustainability, Agricultural land, Kebumen RegencyAbstract
Sruweng District is one of the areas in Kebumen Regency located in the suburbs. Its strategic location because it is close to the city center has consequences for the high potential for conversion of agricultural land to non-agricultural land in Sruweng District. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the willingness to accept of farmers to maintain the sustainability of agricultural land. This study was conducted in Sruweng District, Kebumen Regency with a total of 30 respondents, samples taken using the simple random sampling method. Data were taken using structured interview techniques to respondents and then the data were analyzed using the willingness to accept approach with the bidding method to see the extent to which farmers are willing to maintain the agricultural land they manage. The results of the analysis showed that 96.67% of farmers refused to accept compensation, while 3.33% wanted to accept compensation as payment to maintain the agricultural land they managed. The final offer desired by farmers as compensation for maintaining their agricultural land was 5.24% of the level of farm income. However, the percentage of farmers who refused compensation was very dominant, indicating that the sustainability of agricultural land in Sruweng District, Kebumen Regency can still be maintained well.
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