Brand Image, Emotions, and Student Loyalty of Universitas Terbuka Indonesia
Brand Image, loyalty, purposive sampling, SEM, Universitas TerbukaAbstract
This article explores the concept of brand image and its significance in consumer behavior and marketing strategies in the context of Universitas Terbuka Indonesia. Brand image is defined as the perception of a brand in the minds of consumers, shaped by experiences, marketing communications, and interactions with the brand. The study examines the components that contribute to a strong brand image of Universitas Terbuka, including brand identity, consistency, and emotional connection. Through a review of relevant literature and case studies, the article highlights how a positive brand image of Universitas Terbuka can enhance student loyalty, differentiate products in competitive markets of education industry, and drive overall business performance. Additionally, the research addresses the challenges brands face in maintaining a favorable image of Universitas Terbuka in the digital age, where people opinions can spread rapidly through social media. The sample size in this study is 471 which dispersed to three big cities (Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya) in Indonesia. The sampling technique is purposive. By the supporting of IBM SPSS AMOS, data analysis was conducted with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) in this study. The findings underscore the need for brands to engage authentically with their audience and adapt to changing perceptions to sustain their image in a dynamic marketplace
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