Need analysis on active-empathic listening training for teachers in the merdeka belajar curriculum



Most teachers have abilities to teach, but they have less knowledge and lack abilities in listening skills during the interaction of teaching with their students. This study aimed to determine whether teachers require active-emphatic listening skills in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum. The participants of this study were 17 primary school teachers, 5 educational trainers, and 5 primary school education lecturers. This qualitative study was conducted by distributing an online survey to participants. The results showed that most teachers have less understanding on active-empathic listening skills. Meanwhile, educational trainers and primary education lecturers stated that active-empathetic listening is an important soft skill for teachers to communicate effectively with their students. It aligned with the students-centered approach in the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, where effective listening is required to comprehend students’ needs in the learning process. Therefore, primary school teachers require active-empathetic listening training to improve their understanding and practice of teaching in the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum.




How to Cite

Hiznu Sobar, Boeriswati, E., & Maksum, A. (2024). Need analysis on active-empathic listening training for teachers in the merdeka belajar curriculum. International Conference on Teaching and Learning, 1, 217–222. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

