Use of digital picture storybooks to improve responsible character


  • Lhutfia Wahyu Safutri Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
  • Erfiani Humairah


Digital Picture Storybook, Responsible Character


The provision of education has been transferred through an online system or study from home, so the role of the parents is very crucial in supervising and educating their children, especially in instilling character in the family sphere. This study uses a literature review approach to review character education in students during the pandemic in a family-based environment. Schools, teachers, parents, and the community must work together to shape the character of
students to create harmony in life. This is why it takes good coordination between parents, teachers, schools, and the community as a supporting factor to shape the character of students. The main character cultivation in this article is the character of responsibility. The low values of student responsibility characters encountered during this pandemic became one of the backgrounds for the development of this Digital Picture Story Book. In addition, the problem that is often faced is the limited learning media available to instill the character of responsibility in children.




How to Cite

Safutri, L. W., & Erfiani Humairah. (2024). Use of digital picture storybooks to improve responsible character. International Conference on Teaching and Learning, 1, 66–73. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

