Impact of follow-up training on the results of indonesian madrasah competency assessments for mi teachers in depok city


  • Muchamad Fauyan Fauyan UNY
  • Anwar Efendi
  • Sugeng Bayu Wahyono
  • Haryanto
  • Cut Marlini


Indonesian madrasa competency assessment, literacy studies, literacy learning


This research aims to evaluate the impact of follow-up training on the results of the Indonesian Madrasah Competency Assessment (AKMI) on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) teachers in Depok City. The research objective is to investigate how this training influences MI teachers' understanding of AKMI results, as well as how teachers integrate the results of these assessments in their learning follow-up plans. The research method is descriptive qualitative research. Trainee teacher research informants. The data collection technique uses participant observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis uses qualitative data analysis. The research results show that follow-up training on AKMI results has a positive impact on teachers' understanding of assessment results. Teachers acknowledged their increased understanding of their students' strengths and weaknesses based on the AKMI results later. Apart from that, this training also encourages teachers to design follow-up learning plans that are more appropriate to the needs of their students. Despite the significant positive impact, this research also identified several challenges teachers faced during online training in integrating the results of this assessment into their teaching plans, such as network constraints, lack of focus, and limited resources. The implication of this research is the need for continuous support in terms of training and resources to maximize the benefits of AKMI results in efforts to improve the quality of education at MI in Depok City.




How to Cite

Fauyan, M. F., Efendi, A., Bayu Wahyono, S., Haryanto, & Marlini, C. (2024). Impact of follow-up training on the results of indonesian madrasah competency assessments for mi teachers in depok city. International Conference on Teaching and Learning, 1, 241–251. Retrieved from

Conference Proceedings Volume

