The Impact Of The Existence Of Minimarkets On The Existence Of Traditional Stores Reviewed From Turnover
Traditional stores; Modern strores; Turnover; MinimarketAbstract
The purpose of this study is to analyze the changes in the turnover of traditional stores before and after the existence of modern franchise stores in Tarakan City. Thus, it will be known how the local government's policy to maintain the existence of traditional stores to continue to exist with an increasingly thin segment. This research was carried out in Tarakan City, North Kalimantan, where this study took the observation period of 2020-2023. The population of this study is respondents of traditional shop owners in Tarakan City, which is the location of the most franchise businesses in North Kalimantan Province, with a sample of 40 business actors. The results of the study prove that there is a significant difference in the sales turnover of traditional stores before and after the existence of modern franchise stores in Tarakan City
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