Implementation Of Tri Dharma In University For The Faculty Of Islamic Religion Through The Role Of The Lecturer In Scientific Publications
Tri Dharma, Lecturer, Scientific PublicationAbstract
This study is to collect empirical data on the implementation of Tridharma in university through the role of lecturers in scientific publications at the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) of Undaris Ungaran. We used a qualitative study. Qualitative study is a descriptive study that involves interpreting speech (interview findings), observing behaviour and using documents such as photographs, videos and notes (documentary study findings). Therefore, Qualitative research can reveal aspects that may be overlooked by other research methods, such as trust, hope, and love. The implementation of the Tridharma of University through the role of lecturers in scientific publications has not been optimal. Therefore, the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion (FAI) Undaris and her staff are taking steps to ensure that lecturers can actively contribute to scientific publications. Faculty leaders can gradually remove the obstacles that faculty members face in scientific publications. This will ensure the effective the Tri-Dharma implementation of university and the production of monumental works in the environment of FAI Undaris.
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