Comparison of Singapore and Japan Curriculum in Improving the Transformation of the Education System in Indonesia


  • upik ramadani Program Magister Pendidikan Dasar
  • Andri Andri Open University
  • Ari Purwohudoyo Nurwijaya Open University
  • Hasbullah Hasbullah Open University
  • Fadilah Wirjaza Putri Open University,


Curriculum, Educational Transformation, Character Education


This study analyzes the comparative curriculum of education in Singapore and Japan and its implications for the transformation of the education system in Indonesia. Singapore emphasizes the development of critical thinking skills and technology integration through the STEM curriculum, while Japan focuses on moral and character education involving community participation. This study recommends adopting the best elements of both approaches to improve the quality of education in Indonesia, including the development of competency-based curriculum, strengthening character education, and improving teacher professionalism by involving all stakeholders, it is hoped that Indonesian graduates can compete globally and make a positive contribution to society.


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How to Cite

ramadani, upik, Andri , A., Purwohudoyo Nurwijaya , A., Hasbullah , H., & Wirjaza Putri, F. (2025). Comparison of Singapore and Japan Curriculum in Improving the Transformation of the Education System in Indonesia. Forum for University Scholars in Interdisciplinary Opportunities and Networking, 1(1), 450–457. Retrieved from

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