Analysis of TCM (Travel Cost Method) and ITCM (Individual Travel Cost Method) Calculations at the Turtle Conservation Area of Pantai Pelangi
Generation Costs, Debt Ratio, Current Ratio, ebt RatioAbstract
Pantai pelangi Turtle Conservation is one of the frequently visited tourist destinations due to the beautiful views and nuances of the beach as well as the turtle breeding or conservation area. The olive ridley turtle or Lepidochelys is a type of turtle preserved on Pantai pelangi. In addition to the tourist destinations and attractions in Pantai pelangi, turtle conservation is also an attraction for people visiting Pantai pelangi. This may enable an analysis of the economic value of the Pantai pelangi Turtle Conservation Area using TCM or Trip Cost Method and Individual Trip Cost Method (ITCM). TCM method is a method that works to measure economic value, while ITCM focuses more on primary data obtained through surveys and these two things can be seen from the level of satisfaction and comfort of visitors through questionnaires given to visitors. or surveyed at Pantai pelangi Turtle Conservation Area.
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